Application with brush, conventional/airless spraying.
PRIMED STEEL-IRON: Compatible with most types of adequately clean and aged coatings, free from rust, dirt, oil and grease.
MAINTENANCE WORK: Remove loose flaking paint by wire brushing, scrapers, prefabricated synthetic fabrics containing abrasives and rust-removing hammers. Manually degrease the surface eliminating salts and other contaminants by pressure washing. In the case of very deteriorated surfaces, shot blasting to Sa 2½ is recommended.
IRON AND STEEL: Steel surfaces must be completely clean.
To achieve good protection, abrasive blasting up to Sa 2 ½ grade according to ISO 8501-1 is recommended.
Stir component A in its container and once homogenized add component B slowly to it (in the indicated proportions), while mechanically stirring at low speed. Shake for 2 minutes until perfectly homogenized. Let the mixture rest for 10 minutes. Do not use the primer after its exceeded potlife ( 2½ hours after mixing component A+B).
For more information consult TDS.