
Pavimyc Self-levelling 2/C

2-Pack high solids self-levelling epoxy coating for 3-4 mm thickness application.
Formulated based on modified and pigmented epoxy resins, in combination with selected controlled granulometry aggregates, high solids content, catalyzed with a mixture of aliphatic and aromatic amines.

Conceived for the treatment of concrete pavements in industrial and aggressive environments subjected to intense traffic, chemical attacks, energetic cleaning systems, etc.
Suitable for all types of treated and untreated industrial floors.

Use: Interior
Practical coverage
1 m2/Kg depending on thickness
Thinner D-90
Drying time
5 hours
Repaint time
24 hours
Solids content
  • Flexo-traction resistance: 88 kg/cm² S/N UNE 53316
  • Compression resistance: 230 kg/cm²
  • High mechanical resistance to abrasion and wear, Persoz hardness
  • Thermal resistance: approx . from – 20º C to + 90º C
  • High surface adhesion capacity
  • Concrete adhesion: Above 25 kp/cm² S/N UN 53 991 and UNE EN 24 624
  • Easy to clean, impermeable to water
  • Solid highly decorative colours
  • Excellent chemical resistance to chemical products, oils, greases, and effects of weather etc.
  • Prevents premature deterioration of concrete and concrete dust
  • Great penetration capacity and excellent adhesion.

Apply the product on a clean and dry surface, removing grease, dust and any poorly adhered substance. The surface must be consistent, in case of doubt a prior test should be carried out. Mix the two components of Pavimyc in the proportion that is sent together with quartz sand: 10 kg of Component A + 2 kg of Component B + 10 kg of quartz sand.
Homogenize the mixture well and then apply with a notched trowel, brushing it with a bristled brush when the product is still wet. Observations:
Only mix the components at the time of application.
Once mixed the product has a potlife of approx. 30 minutes.
It is essential that the mixing ratio of the two components (A:B) is always maintained (5: 1)
It is essential to always maintain that proportion in components A and B.
The proportion of the sand can vary, depending on the desired thickness.
Use gloves for handling as the product adheres strongly to the skin and is difficult to remove.
Cover the containers of each component after use as they dry very quickly.
Self-leveling mortar performance:
From 2 to 3 kg/m². Depending on the state of the surface and the sand added, thicknesses of up to 4 mm can be achieved.
These data are theoretical since it is necessary to consider the porosity, roughness, unevenness, etc. of each surface.
For more information consult TDS.