
Junoral B-12

B-12 is a premium quality vinyl based paint that incorporates a broad spectrumanti-fungal and mould protection. B-12 has exceptionally tough, easy-clean semi-matt finish with outstandingresistance to dirt pick-up. It gives excellent coverage and application. It issuitable for all interior walls and ceilings and dries to a beautiful smooth finish.

Recommended for decorating plaster, cement or
masonry surfaces that require mould protection.
Specified and used in high-end decoration jobs for
maximum finish and protection. Also recommended for
kitchens, bathrooms, and humid rooms where mould and mildew growth can be an issue. Perfect for high-traffic areas such as
hallways. Highly wet-rub resistant.

Use: Interior
Sizes: 15 Litres, 4 Litres, 750 ML
Practical coverage
12-14 m²/L/coat
Soapy water
Drying time
45 min. Touch dry
Repaint time
Minimum. 6 hours
Maximum. Unlimited
  • High coverage rating and opacity
  • Excellent adherence to substrates
  • Active anti-fungal and mould properties reducing growth
  • Excellent and long lasting semi-matt finish.
  • Impermeable
  • Breathable
  • Highly wet rub resistant
  • Washable
  • Easy to amintain and excellent for touch-up work
  • Maximum flexibility
  • Easy application and cleaning
  • Quick drying
  • Odourless
  • Fire retardant
Fire retardant B-s1, d0

Brush, roller or spraying.
Stir paint throughly until completely homogenized. Apply on consistent, clean, completely dry surfaces, free from efflorescence (saltpetre) and mould. For more information, consult TDS.