
SIKA MonoTop-4200 Multi Flow

Sika MonoTop®-4200 Multi Flow is a cementitious,1-
part, hand, flowable or machine applied, structural,
sulphate resistant concrete repair mortar with high
initial and final strengths. Suitable for repairing all
types of reinforced concrete buildings, civil engineering and marine structures. Layer thickness up to 80
mm. Flowable up to 60 mm.

Sika MonoTop®-4200 Multi Flow may only be used by
experienced professionals.
Repair of spalling and damaged concrete in infrastructure and superstructure works. Restoration
work (Principle 3, method 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of EN
Increasing the bearing capacity of the concrete structure by adding mortar. Structural strengthening
(Principle 4, method 4.4 pf EN 1504-9).
Increasing cover with additional mortar and replacing contaminated or carbonated concrete. Preserving or restoring passivity (Principle 7, method 7.1
and 7.2 of EN 1504-9)
Repairs to reinforced concrete structures requiring a
Class R4, R3, R2, R1 mortar
? Horizontal,vertical and overhead repairs

Sizes: Sack 25 kgs.
Practical coverage
Approx. 2,1 kg/m2/mm.
Up to 80 mm.
  • High initial and final compressive strength
  • Resistant to sulfates
  • Good adhesion on concrete, mortar, stone and brick substrates
  • Good abrasion resistance
  • Very low shrinkage
  • Good surface finish[ +]High pH for armour protection
  • Does not contain chlorides or other corrosion prmoting additives.
CE certification

Ready to mix with water.
Applied manually (trowel or sponge) or mechanically (wet spray).
Prefortion with manual mechanical tools or blasting system using water or very high pressure.
For more information consult TDS.